Takao Dantsuji, Masaki Nakagawa. Understanding changes in traffic demand during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 2025
Ting Wang, Dong Ngoduy, Guojian Zou, Takao Dantsuji, Zongshi Liu, Ye Li. PI-STGnet: Physics-integrated spatiotemporal graph neural network with fundamental diagram learner for highway traffic flow prediction. Expert Systems with Applications. 2024. 258
Ting Wang, Dong Ngoduy, Ye Li, Hao Lyu, Guojian Zou, Takao Dantsuji. Koopman theory meets graph convolutional network: Learning the complex dynamics of non-stationary highway traffic flow for spatiotemporal prediction. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. 2024. 187. 115437-115437
Takao Dantsuji, Kashin Sugishita, Daisuke Fukuda. Understanding changes in travel patterns during the COVID-19 outbreak in the three major metropolitan areas of Japan. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 2023. 175. 103762-103762