本山 大輔, 佐野 明日香, 石川 岳, 佐藤 亮, 渡邊 恭平, 松下 雄登, 渡邉 弘充, 田村 啓多, 杉山 貴之, 大塚 篤史, et al. RAPNにおけるhinotoriとda vinci Xiの周術期成績の比較 傾向スコア解析(Comparison of perioperative outcomes using hinotori with da vinci Xi during robot-assisted partial nephrectomy: A propensity score matching analysis). 日本泌尿器科学会総会. 2023. 110回. PP75-10
Kyohei Watanabe, Atsushi Otsuka, Asuka Sano, Ryo Sato, Yuto Matsushita, Hiromitsu Watanabe, Keita Tamura, Daisuke Motoyama, Toshiki Ito, Takayuki Sugiyama, et al. Predictive factors of de novo overactive bladder in clinically localized prostate cancer patients after robot-assisted radical prostatectomy. International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association. 2023. 30. 1. 57-61