Kazuma Shimizu, Mitsuru Ohata, Hiroto Shoji, Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Taichiro Kato. Loading mode effect on brittle fracture resistance of cracked component under large-scale yielding. Mechanics of Materials. 2021. 164. 104115-104115
Kazuma SHIMIZU, Mitsuru OHATA, Hiroto SHOJI, Hiroyasu TANIGAWA, Taichiro KATO. Analysis of Local Fracture Driving Force for a Micro-crack under Combined Stress Field in Plastic Zone. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN WELDING SOCIETY. 2021. 39. 3. 171-179
Loading mode effect on brittle fracture toughness under large-scale yielding. IIW2022 - International Conference on Welding and Joining Proceedings. 2022
Mitsuru Ohata, Hiroto Shoji, Kazuma Shimizu. Evaluation of fracture toughness using small-size specimen, BA-research report. National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST). 2021
Analysis of Charpy impact toughness of wire arc additive manufactured carbon steel components
(The 77th IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference, Commission X Structural Performance of Welded Joints -Fracture Avoidance 2024)
Significance of fracture Toughness for Linear Friction Welded Joint of Weathering Steel
(IIW Intermediate meeting 2024, Commission X Structural Performance of Welded Joints -Fracture Avoidance 2024)
Fracture Toughness for Linear Friction Welded Joint of Weathering Steel
(The 76th IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference, Commission X Structural Performance of Welded Joints -Fracture Avoidance 2023)
New Model for Brittle Fracture Assessment under Combined Stress Field Based on the Local Approach
(15th International Conference on Fracture (ICF15) 2023)
Fracture Toughness for Linear Friction Welded Joint of Weathering Steel
(第246回 溶接構造研究委員会(2023年度日本溶接会議(JIW) 第X委員会との合同委員会) 2023)