研究キーワード (9件):
Mars Ice Deposit
, Remote Sensing
, Mapping
, Boulder
, Moon
, Mars Ice Mapper
, Structural Geology
, Tectonics
, Mars
競争的資金等の研究課題 (4件):
2024 - 2028 Assessing the potential sources of the pre-biotic building blocks of life via an interdisciplinary experimental and analytical approach
2024 - 2025 Reconstructing Martian water cycle through surface signatures
2024 - 2025 火星のハビタブル環境に生育可能な生命の探索: 将来の探査に 向けて
2018 - 2020 初期火星の地殻変動の解明:地質学及び惑星内部ダイナミクスの研究
論文 (11件):
Jeannette Wolak Luna, Wajiha Iqbal, Hannes Bernhardt, Hafida El Bilali, Sergey Krasilnikov, Alexander Krasilnikov, Carolyn van der Bogert, Monica Pondrelli, Alessandro Frigeri, Matteo Massironi, et al. Planetary Geologic Maps: Essential Tools for Scientific Inquiry and Space Exploration. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 2024. 129. 10
Rishitosh K. Sinha, Alka Rani, Trishit Ruj, Anil Bhardwaj. Geologic investigation of lobate scarps in the vicinity of Chandrayaan-3 landing site in the southern high latitudes of the moon. Icarus. 2023. 402. 115636-115636
Feng Zhang, Alberto Pizzi, Trishit Ruj, Goro Komatsu, An Yin, Yanan Dang, Yang Liu, Yongliao Zou. Evidence for structural control of mare volcanism in lunar compressional tectonic settings. Nature Communications. 2023. 14. 1
Trishit Ruj, Goro Komatsu, Gene Schmidt, Suniti Karunatillake, Kenji Kawai. Tectonism of Late Noachian Mars: Surface Signatures from the Southern Highlands. Remote Sensing. 2022. 14. 22. 5664-5664
Trishit Ruj, Goro Komatsu, Kenji Kawai, Hanaya Okuda, Zhiyong Xiao, Deepak Dhingra. Recent boulder falls within the Finsen crater on the lunar far side: An assessment of the possible triggering rationale. Icarus. 2022. 377. 114904-114904
Influence of Moisture and Thermal Inertia on Slope Streak Formation in the Medusae Fossae Formation and Its Surroundings
(The Tenth International Conference on Mars 2024)