Erika Nakamura. Prosecutors v Managing Director and Corporate Advisor of Homepage System, Inc, Final decision, 2018 (A) 1381, Keishu Vol 75, No 2; ILDC 3319 (JP 2021), 1 February 2021. Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts. 2022
Erika Nakamura. Korea Film Export & Import Corporation and Canario Planning Limited v Fuji Television Network, Incorporated, Final judgment, ILDC 3001 (JP 2011), 2009 (Ju) 602, Minshu Vol 65, No 9, 8th December 2011, Japan. Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts. 2019
Erika Nakamura. Judgment concerning immunity of a state from the civil jurisdiction of another state for its acts under private law or acts for business administration, Tokyo Sanyo Trading Company v Pakistan, Final judgment, 2003 (Ju) No 1231, Minshu Vol 60, No 6, p 2542, 1416 Saibansho Jiho 6, ILDC 2379 (JP 2006), 21st July 2006, Japan; Supreme Court. Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts. 2015
Erika Nakamura. X v State of Georgia (United States), Final judgment, 2008 (Ju) No 6, Minshu Vol 63, No 8, p 1799, ILDC 2283 (JP 2009), 16th October 2009, Japan; Supreme Court. Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts. 2015
書籍 (1件):
日本経済評論社 2022 ISBN:9784818825895
講演・口頭発表等 (4件):
The Application of the Principle of Good Faith for Ensuing the Accountability of International Organizations
(Symposium: Accountability and Power in the Law of International Organizations 2023)
The Application of the Obligation to Cooperate in Asia: The Nature of Legal Interests Shaping the Obligations
(The 2022 Regional Conference of the Asian Society of International Law, “Power and the Development of International Law: Asian Perspectives” 2022)
Teleological Interpretation of Constituent Instruments in the Time of Accountability of International Organizations
(The 2022 ICON•S Annual Conference, “Global Problems and Prospects in Public Law” 2022)
The Bases of the Duty to Cooperate: Atrocity Prevention by UNSC
(International Organizations Workshop, The International Organizations Interest Group (IOIG) of the American Society of International Law (ASIL) 2019)