J-GLOBAL ID:202101014817452811   更新日: 2024年01月30日

Hee Nadin

へー ナディン | Hee Nadin
職名: 教授
研究分野 (1件): 史学一般
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
  • 2022 - 2026 「間-帝国史」研究の理論と実践--開かれた研究枠組みの構築に向けて
論文 (13件):
  • Nadin Heé. Transimperial Opportunities? Transcending the Nation in Imperial Formations. Comparativ. 2021. 31. 5/6. 631-638
  • Nadin Heé. Negotiating Migratory Tuna: Territorialization of the Oceans, Trans-war Knowledge and Fisheries Diplomacy. Diplomatic History. 2020. 44. 3. 413-427
  • Nadin Heé. Tuna as an Economic Resource and Symbolic Capital in Japan’s “Imperialism of the Sea”. Animals and Human Society in Asia. 2019. 213-238
  • Daniel Hedinger, Nadin Heέ. Transimperial History - Connectivity, Cooperation and Competition. Journal of Modern European History. 2018. 16. 4. 429-452
  • Nadin Heé, Alexandra Przyrembel. Interview with Manu Goswami (NYU), George Steinmetz (IAS/Michigan), and Andrew Zimmerman (GWU). Decolonizing Knowledge. Trajectories. 2018. 29. 2. 44-48
書籍 (6件):
  • Handbuch Wissenschaftsgeschichte
    J.B. Metzler 2017 ISBN:3476024652
  • Umkämpfte Räume : Raumbilder, Ordnungswille und Gewaltmobilisierung
    Wallstein 2016 ISBN:9783835319219
  • Imperiales Wissen und koloniale Gewalt : Japans Herrschaft in Taiwan 1895-1945
    Campus 2012 ISBN:9783593396750
  • Paul Klee. Art in the Making
    National Museum of Art Kyoto 2011
  • Surimono: Die Kunst der Anspielung in japanischen Holzdrucken
    Museum Rietberg 2008
講演・口頭発表等 (5件):
  • Opening up New Tuna Frontiers by “Colonizing the Pacific”. Fish and Environmental Migrants Moving across the Japanese Empire and Beyond
    (Oceanic Japan, Cambridge MA, Harvard University. 2020)
  • The Transimperial Setting of Modern Prison in Taihoku. Politics of Comparison and Colonial Punishment in Imperial Japan
    (Villes et concessions coloniales à l’ère des empires en Asie de l’Est et du Sud-Est. Paris, French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. International Conference. 2019)
  • What is Globalization in Global History?
    (14th German-Japanese Young Leaders Forum. Keynote speech. Tokyo, International House Japan 2019)
  • German Environmental History Goes Global. And What is German About it?
    (Environmental Histories - Environmental Futures: Perspectives from Germany and Italy. Keynote speech. Mennagio (Italy) Villa Vigoni. Conference. 2019)
  • How Tuna Became a Global Commons. Migrating Specie, People and Knowledge across Oceans and Empires.
    (Imperial Connections: Ports, Power, People. Organized by Jane Burbank and Fred Cooper. New York. New York University. International Conference. Imperial 2019)
学位 (1件):
  • 歴史学 博士 (ベルリン自由大学)
経歴 (3件):
  • 2021/07 - 現在 大阪大学 大学院人文学研究科 教授
  • 2015/05 - 2021/06 マックス・ブランク・科学史研究所 准教授
  • 2015/05 - 2021/06 ベルリン自由大学 文学部 准教授
受賞 (1件):
  • 2013 - イアデ財団 イアデ賞 「Imperiales Wissen und koloniale Gewalt: Japans Herrschaft in Taiwan 1895-1945」という研究書
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