J-GLOBAL ID:202101020670364709   更新日: 2023年04月08日

山本 恵子

yamamoto keiko
論文 (22件):
  • Amr Elguoshy, Yoshitoshi Hirao, Keiko Yamamoto, Bo Xu, Naohiko Kinoshita, Toshiaki Mitsui, Tadashi Yamamoto. Utilization of the Proteome Data Deposited in SRMAtlas for Validating the Existence of the Human Missing Proteins in GPM. Journal of Proteome Research. 2019. 18. 12. 4197-4205
  • Suguru Saito, Yoshitoshi Hirao, Ali F. Quadery, Bo Xu, Amr Elguoshy, Hidehiko Fujinaka, Shohei Koma, Keiko Yamamoto, Tadashi Yamamoto. The Optimized Workflow for Sample Preparation in LC-MS/MS-Based Urine Proteomics. Methods and Protocols. 2019. 2. 2. 46-46
  • Yoshitoshi Hirao, Naohiko Kinoshita, Bo Xu, Suguru Saito, Ali F. Quadery, Amr Elguoshy, Keiko Yamamoto, Tadashi Yamamoto. Proteomics Analysis of Urine to Examine Physical Effects of Warm Nano Mist Sauna Bathing. Healthcare. 2019. 7. 2. 71-71
  • Yoshitoshi Hirao, Suguru Saito, Hidehiko Fujinaka, Shigeru Miyazaki, Bo Xu, Ali Quadery, Amr Elguoshy, Keiko Yamamoto, Tadashi Yamamoto. Proteome Profiling of Diabetic Mellitus Patient Urine for Discovery of Biomarkers by Comprehensive MS-Based Proteomics. Proteomes. 2018. 6. 1. 9-9
  • Amr Elguoshy, Yoshitoshi Hirao, Bo Xu, Suguru Saito, Ali F. Quadery, Keiko Yamamoto, Toshiaki Mitsui, Tadashi Yamamoto. Identification and Validation of Human Missing Proteins and Peptides in Public Proteome Databases: Data Mining Strategy. Journal of Proteome Research. 2017. 16. 12. 4403-4414
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