J-GLOBAL ID:202201002767020000   更新日: 2023年10月16日

髙橋 佑和

takahashi yuwa
研究分野 (2件): 細菌学 ,  補綴系歯学
研究キーワード (1件): 誤嚥性肺炎
論文 (3件):
  • Yukihiro Karahashi, Marni E. Cueno, Noriaki Kamio, Yuwa Takahashi, Ikuko Takeshita, Kaori Soda, Shuichiro Maruoka, Yasuhiro Gon, Shuichi Sato, Kenichi Imai. Fusobacterium nucleatum putatively affects the alveoli by disrupting the alveolar epithelial cell tight junction, enlarging the alveolar space, and increasing paracellular permeability. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2023. 682. 216-222
  • Yuwa Takahashi, Norihisa Watanabe, Noriaki Kamio, Ryutaro Kobayashi, Toshimitsu Iinuma, Kenichi Imai. Aspiration of periodontopathic bacteria due to poor oral hygiene potentially contributes to the aggravation of COVID-19. Journal of Oral Science. 2021. 63. 1. 1-3
  • Yoshiyuki Hagiwara, Keisuke Seki, Yuwa Takahashi. Oral chemical burn due to accidental ingestion of calcium oxide food desiccant in a patient with dementia. Journal of International Medical Research. 2020. 48. 4. 030006052092006-030006052092006
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