Katsuya Fujii, Hirofumi Hashimoto, Tamotu Kinoshita. On a wavelet-like orthonormal basis and its application to two-dimensional Radon transforms. Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics. 2024
Hirofumi Hashimoto, Tamotu Kinoshita. On the construction of the orthonormal wavelet in the Hardy space $H^2(\mathbb{R}). International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing. 2022
Kensuke Fujinoki, Hirofumi Hashimoto, Tamotu Kinoshita. On Directional Frames Having Lipschitz Continuous Fourier Transforms. International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics. 2021. 7. 6
MISC (1件):
藤ノ木 健介, 橋本 紘史, 木下 保. On Parseval Frames for Multidirectional Expansions and the Inversion of the Radon Transform. 数理解析研究所 講究録. 2021. 2180. 12-28