J-GLOBAL ID:202201005782103264   更新日: 2024年04月05日

蔡 国喜

サイ コクキ | CAI Guoxi
研究分野 (3件): 内科学一般 ,  医療管理学、医療系社会学 ,  衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含む
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
  • 2012 - 2015 中国雲南省の静注薬物常用者のHIV感染リスクの評価と対策構築に関する研究
  • 2009 - 2010 東南アジアにおける国境流動人口の感染症伝播疫学研究-セックスワーカーとエイズ
論文 (33件):
  • Guoxi Cai, Shiwen Liu, Yixiao Lu, Yumika Takaki, Fumiaki Matsumoto, Akira Yoshikawa, Toshitsugu Taguri, Jianfen Xie, Kazuhiko Arima, Satoshi Mizukami, et al. Impact of COVID-19 vaccination status on hospitalization and disease severity: A descriptive study in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics. 2024. 20. 1. 2322795-2322795
  • Guoxi Cai, Yufen Liu, Jinman Zhuang, Zishan Chen, Yixiao Lu, Jiwen Wu, Zhijian Hu, Jianping Zhang, Fei He. Differences in socio-demographics status, risk behaviours, healthcare uptake and HIV/ sexually transmitted infections (STIs) between brothel-based and street-based female sex workers in Yunnan, China. International journal of STD & AIDS. 2024. 9564624241239480-9564624241239480
  • Mai Ngoc Luu, Atsuko Imoto, Yoshimi Matsuo, Nguyen Tien Huy, Ahmad Qarawi, Shamael Thabit Mohammed Alhady, Le Van Truong, Ryuji Yoshino, Nguyen Tran Minh Duc, Kozue Tabei, et al. Anxiety and its risk factors among non-Japanese residents living in Japan undergoing COVID-19 situation: A cross-sectional survey. PloS one. 2024. 19. 3. e0280144
  • Jiwen Wu, Guoxi Cai, Yi Fan, Kazuhiko Arima, Yulan Lin, Liping Wong, Zhuo Zhang, Taro Yamamoto, Kouichi Morita, Akira Yoshikawa, et al. Acceptance and Preference for COVID-19 Vaccine among Japanese Residents at Early Stage of the Epidemic in Japan. Vaccines. 2023. 11. 1. 157-157
  • Yixiao Lu, Guoxi Cai, Jinman Zhuang, Zhijian Hu, Fei He, Haoran Sun, Taro Yamamoto, Kouichi Morita, Kiyoshi Aoyagi. Implication of the nationwide emergency announcement on coronavirus disease 2019-related preventive behavioral change among Japanese residents-a cross sectional study. Journal of Public Health and Emergency. 2022. 6. 31-31
MISC (5件):
  • 蔡国喜, 蔡国喜, 塗饒萍, 陳潔, 何斐, 黄萌, 矢澤亜季, 田栗利紹, 市川智生, 張文昌, et al. 中国農村部の住民を対象にした出稼ぎ労働経験と健康状況に関する疫学調査. 日本熱帯医学会大会プログラム抄録集. 2017. 58th(Web). 3. 219-219
  • 蔡国喜, 蔡国喜, 田栗利紹, 吉川亮, 長富潔, 吉田朝美, 高イ俐, 青柳潔, 安部恵代, 有馬和彦, et al. ヒスタミン産生菌M.morganii食中毒分離株からのHDC遺伝子のクローニング. 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集. 2015. 74th. 552-552
  • 吉川亮, 吉川亮, 松本文昭, 三浦佳奈, 蔡国喜, 蔡国喜, 斎藤佳子, 西村貴孝, 有馬和彦, 安部恵代, et al. 長崎県における日本脳炎流行の早期探知法. 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集. 2015. 74th. 447-447
  • 田栗利紹, 蔡国喜, 安部恵代, 有馬和彦, 西村貴孝, 青柳潔. 循環ろ過式入浴施設における細菌数迅速測定法を用いた衛生管理の塩素消毒への影響. 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集. 2015. 74th. 571-571
  • CAI G, 金田英子, 嶋田雅暁, 門司和彦. 性行為感染症及びHIV/AIDSに関する中国福建省福州市の臨床医を対象にしたKAP研究. Tropical Medicine and Health. 2004. 32. Supplement. 122-122
書籍 (5件):
  • はかる・みせる・読みとく
    朝倉書店 2014 ISBN:9784254180466
  • 中国西南部少数民族地区村落における環境と健康変遷に関する研究
    2012 ISBN:9787548208846
  • 中国の文化と環境
    2010 ISBN:9787222067585
  • A new influenza pandemic is coming
  • A practical handbook for preventing exposure to blood among health workers
    2008 ISBN:9787530845219
講演・口頭発表等 (17件):
  • Bacterial counts by flow cytometry can determine the presence/absence of Legionella in bath water
    (The 10th International Conference on Legionella. (Yokohama, Japan, September 20~24th , 2022). 2022)
  • COVID-19 vaccination intention and vaccination acceptance: a global survey of 17 countries
    (A joint symposium on public health and environmental research in Nagasaki and Fujian (Mar.25,2022, Nagasaki, Zoom) 2022)
  • Exploring Factors and Associate Responses for Anxiety in the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic
    (A joint symposium on public health and environmental research in Nagasaki and Fujian (Mar.25,2022, Nagasaki, Zoom) 2022)
  • An epidemical research on infectious disease and behavior changes among residents in Japan using STAI6
    (A joint symposium on public health and environmental research in Nagasaki and Fujian (Mar.25,2022, Nagasaki, Zoom) 2022)
  • Descriptive analysis of Legionellosis in Nagasaki prefecture, Japan
    (A joint symposium on public health and environmental research in Nagasaki and Fujian (Mar.25,2022, Nagasaki, Zoom) 2022)
学歴 (2件):
  • 2003 - 2007 長崎大学 大学院医歯薬学総合研究科
  • 1988 - 1993 福建医科大学
経歴 (1件):
  • 2014/04 - 現在 長崎県環境保健研究センター
所属学会 (1件):
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