J-GLOBAL ID:202201011264329321   更新日: 2024年02月08日

湯浅 良太

ユアサ リョウタ | Yuasa Ryota
職名: 助教
研究キーワード (1件): 数理統計学
論文 (4件):
  • Ryota Yuasa, Tatsuya Kubokawa. Weighted shrinkage estimators of normal mean matrices and dominance properties. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 2023. 194. 105138-105138
  • Ryota Yuasa, Tatsuya Kubokawa. Generalized Bayes estimators with closed forms for the normal mean and covariance matrices. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 2023. 222. 182-194
  • Ryota Yuasa, Tatsuya Kubokawa. Ridge-type linear shrinkage estimation of the mean matrix of a high-dimensional normal distribution. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 2020. 178
  • Tatsuya Kubokawa, William E. Strawderman, Ryota Yuasa. Shrinkage estimation of location parameters in a multivariate skew-normal distribution. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. 2020. 49. 8. 2008-2024
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