J-GLOBAL ID:202201011669952867   更新日: 2024年06月12日

納富 拓也

Notomi Takuya
競争的資金等の研究課題 (11件):
  • 2021 - 2024 破骨細胞分化・機能を変動させる力学的閾値と力学的刺激記憶機構の同定
  • 2020 - 2022 オルガネラ膜電位を主軸とするリソソーム-細胞膜融合・膜動態制御法の確立
  • 2018 - 2022 RANKL/OPGリソソーム選別輸送制御による骨代謝動態の解明
  • 2015 - 2018 酸性環境におけるプロトンリーク機構の解明
  • 2015 - 2017 光操作-膜電位制御による生体内骨細胞機能制御 -加速する力学的刺激伝達-
論文 (39件):
  • Takuya Notomi, Miyuki Kuno, Akiko Hiyama, Tadashige Nozaki, Kiyoshi Ohura, Yoichi Ezura, Masaki Noda. Role of lysosomal channel protein TPC2 in osteoclast differentiation and bone remodeling under normal and low-magnesium conditions. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2017. 292. 51. 20998-21010
  • Tetsuya Nakamoto, Yayoi Izu, Makiri Kawasaki, Takuya Notomi, Tadayoshi Hayata, Masaki Noda, Yoichi Ezura. Mice Deficient in CIZ/NMP4 Develop an Attenuated Form of K/BxN-Serum Induced Arthritis. Journal of cellular biochemistry. 2016. 117. 4. 970-7
  • Smriti Aryal A C, Kentaro Miyai, Yayoi Izu, Tadayoshi Hayata, Takuya Notomi, Masaki Noda, Yoichi Ezura. Nck influences preosteoblastic/osteoblastic migration and bone mass. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2015. 112. 50. 15432-7
  • Takuya Notomi, Miyuki Kuno, Akiko Hiyama, Yoichi Ezura, Masashi Honma, Toru Ishizuka, Kiyoshi Ohura, Hiromu Yawo, Masaki Noda. Membrane depolarization regulates intracellular RANKL transport in non-excitable osteoblasts. Bone. 2015. 81. 306-314
  • Makiri Kawasaki, Yoichi Ezura, Tadayoshi Hayata, Takuya Notomi, Yayoi Izu, Masaki Noda. TGF-β Suppresses Ift88 Expression in Chondrocytic ATDC5 Cells. Journal of cellular physiology. 2015. 230. 11. 2788-95
MISC (11件):
  • Takuya Notomi, Miyuki Kuno, Akiko Hiyama, Yoichi Ezura, Kiyoshi Ohura, Masaki Noda. Role of the lysosomal channel, Two Pore Channel 2, in osteoclast differentiation and bone remodeling under normal and low-magnesium conditions. JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH. 2017. 32. S235-S235
  • Yoichi Ezura, Tadayoshi Hayata, Takuya Notomi, Ichiro Sekiya, Masaki Noda. Preferentially expressed genes in synovium derived stromal cells include atypical genes not expressed highly in mouse synovium but in embryonic cartilages. JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH. 2014. 29. S236-S236
  • Takuya Notomi, Ikuaki Karasaki, Yuichi Okazaki, Nobukazu Okimoto, Yushi Kato, Kiyoshi Ohura, Masaki Noda, Toshitaka Nakamura, Masashige Suzuki. Insulinogenic sucrose plus amino acids mixture ingestion immediately after resistance exercise has an anabolic effect on bone compared with non-insulinogenic fructose plus amino acids mixture in growing rats. JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH. 2014. 29. S138-S138
  • Takuya Notomi, Yoichi Ezura, Masaki Noda. The role of ion channel and regulation of intracellular Ca2+ during osteoclast differentiation. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2014. 124. 67P-67P
  • Takuya Notomi, Miyuki Kuno, Yoichi Ezura, Masaki Noda. Depolarizing Membrane Potential by PTH and VD3 Regulates RANKL-intracellular Transportation; A Novel Mechanism of PTH- and VD3-induced Osteoclastogenesis. JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH. 2013. 28
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