J-GLOBAL ID:202201018766044104   更新日: 2024年01月30日

宮田 茂樹

ミヤタ シゲキ | Miyata Shigeki
競争的資金等の研究課題 (4件):
  • 2020 - 2023 外傷及び大血管手術に対する冷蔵血小板の有効性
  • 2017 - 2021 ヘパリン起因性血小板減少症の免疫反応特異性解明とそれに基づく最適診断法の開発
  • 2005 - 2007 血栓性血小板減少性紫斑病の原因遺伝子ADAMTS13の研究
  • 1990 - 1992 Von Willebrand病の各病型の分子遺伝学的解析
論文 (56件):
  • Yuqi Zhou, Masako Nishikawa, Hiroshi Kanno, Ruoxi Yang, Yuma Ibayashi, Ting-Hui Xiao, Walker Peterson, Maik Herbig, Nao Nitta, Shigeki Miyata, et al. Long-term effects of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccinations on platelets. Cytometry. Part A : the journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology. 2022. 103. 2. 162-167
  • Marie Shimizu, Daisuke Takahashi, Shingo Suzuki, Atsuko Shigenari, Sayaka Ito, Shigeki Miyata, Masahiro Satake, Mika Matsuhashi, Jerzy K Kulski, Makoto Murata, et al. A novel swab storage gel is superior to dry swab DNA collection, and enables long-range high resolution next generation sequencing HLA typing from buccal cell samples. HLA. 2022. 99. 6. 590-606
  • Laura Green, Simon Stanworth, Zoe McQuilten, Victor Lin, Harriet Tucker, Bryon Jackson, Maha Badawi, Salwa Hindawi, Rahul Chaurasia, Gopal Patidar, et al. International Forum on the Management of Major Haemorrhage: Summary. Vox sanguinis. 2022. 117. 5. 746-753
  • Laura Green, Simon Stanworth, Zoe McQuilten, Victor Lin, Harriet Tucker, Bryon Jackson, Maha Badawi, Salwa Hindawi, Rahul Chaurasia, Gopal Patidar, et al. International Forum on the Management of Major Haemorrhage: Responses. Vox sanguinis. 2022. 117. 5. E58-E74
  • Motoo Fujita, Takuma Maeda, Shigeki Miyata, Asumi Mizugaki, Mineji Hayakawa, Noriko Miyagawa, Noritaka Ushio, Atsushi Shiraishi, Takayuki Ogura, Shiho Irino, et al. Association of Trauma Severity with Antibody Seroconversion in Heparin-induced Thrombocytopenia: A Multicenter, Prospective Observational Study. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery. 2022. 93. 3. 402-408
MISC (2件):
  • Tomotaka Tanaka, Hiroshi Yamagami, Masafumi Ihara, Toshimitsu Hamasaki, Shigeki Miyata, Toshiyuki Miyata, Haruko Yamamoto, Kazunori Toyoda, Kazuyuki Nagatsuka. Cyp2c19 Polymorphisms Are Not Associated With the Longterm Clinical Outcomes in Stroke Patients Treated With Clopidogrel. STROKE. 2016. 47
  • Tomotaka Tanaka, Haruko Yamamoto, Akiko Kada, Masahiro Yasaka, Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Yukihiro Koretsune, Shigeki Miyata, Toshiyuki Miyata, Kazuyuki Nagatsuka. Validation Of The Factors Affecting Basal And Fluctuating Warfarin Doses In The Same Individual Throughout The Year In Japanese Patients. STROKE. 2013. 44. 2
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