鈴木 周太郎. A Study of the Genealogy of the American Dream: From Horatio Alger and Andrew Carnegie to David Hale Fanning of the Royal Worcester Corset Company. 鶴見大学紀要. 第2部, 外国語・外国文学編 = The bulletin of Tsurumi University. Pt. 2, Studies in foreign languages and literature. 2023. 60. 27-48
鈴木 周太郎. “A True Prototype of the United States of America -Cosmopolitan, Tolerant, Christian?”: Changing Memories about the Pilgrims from the 19th Century to the Turn of the 20th Century. 鶴見大学紀要. 第2部, 外国語・外国文学編 = The bulletin of Tsurumi University. Pt. 2, Studies in foreign languages and literature. 2022. 59. 1-20
鈴木 周太郎. Girls in the Age of Industrialization : Female Education and the Lancasterian System of Instruction. 鶴見大学紀要. 第2部, 外国語・外国文学編 = The bulletin of Tsurumi University. Pt. 2, Studies in foreign languages and literature. 2020. 57. 1-19
鈴木 周太郎. The Vestiges of British Education Systems in the United States and Japan in the 19th Century : With a Focus on the Lancasterian System. 鶴見大学紀要. 第2部, 外国語・外国文学編 = The bulletin of Tsurumi University. Pt. 2, Studies in foreign languages and literature. 2019. 56. 1-18
鈴木 周太郎. 研究ノート:ロイヤル・ウースター・コルセット・カンパニーからみる20 世紀転換期のジェンダー秩序. 鶴見大学紀要. 第2部, 外国語・外国文学編 = The bulletin of Tsurumi University. Pt. 2, Studies in foreign languages and literature. 2021. 58. 25-40