Manaka MURAKADO. 【判例翻訳】Osaka High Court, Judgement, November 18, 2021, Hate Speech-Pejorative Expressions Against Those with Countries of Origin Other than Japan-International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination-Obligations of State Concerning Relationships Between Private Persons-Compensation-Injunction. Japanese Yearbook of International Law. 2023. 66. 544-550
Manaka MURAKADO. 【判例翻訳】Judicial Decisions in Japan: Osaka High Court, Judgement, September 11, 2018, and Supreme Court (2ed Petty Bench), Judgement, February 1, 2021, Admissibility of Evidence Obtained by Transborder Remote Access - Article 32 of the Convention on Cybercrime - Possible Infringement of the Sovereignty of the State Where the Server Is Located. Japanene Yearbook of International Law. 2022. 65. 407-415
村角愛佳. 【紹介】Erika de Wet, Military Assistance on Request and the Use of Force (Oxford University Press, 2020). 国際法外交雑誌. 2021. 120. 3. 64-68
Manaka MURAKADO. 【判例翻訳】Judicial Decisions in Japan: Osaka High Court, Judgment, February 4, 2020, Forced Labor During the Second World War - Right to Claim Compensation - the Renunciation Clause in the Joint Communiqué Between Japan and the People’s Republic of China (1972). Japanene Yearbook of International Law. 2021. 64. 294-301
講演・口頭発表等 (16件):
【研究会報告】Relationship between Consent-Based Use of Force and the Right of Self-Defense against Non-State Actors: ‘Responsibility to Protect’ as a Borderline
(Kyoto University Study Group of International Law 2024)
【国際セミナー報告】Why is the Use of Force Justified by State Consent?: Introduction of a ‘Human-Oriented Perspective’ to the Principle of Non-Use of Force
(Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law Agora 2024)
【ゲスト講演】Theory and Practice of the Use of Force Based on Consent: Introduction of a ‘Human-Oriented Perspective’ to the Principle of Non-Use of Force
(Centre for International Law & Diplomacy- ILSA, The Western Bengali National University of Juridical Sciences 2023)