J-GLOBAL ID:202301012542687262   更新日: 2024年10月04日

野 徹雄

No Tetsuo
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
  • 2020 - 2024 千島海溝沖アウターライズ津波即時予測に向けた震源断層マッピングと津波評価
論文 (58件):
  • Toshitaka Baba, Tetsuo No, Koichiro Obana, Kentaro Imai, Naotaka Chikasada, Yuichiro Tanioka, Shuichi Kodaira. Authentic fault models and dispersive tsunami simulations for outer-rise normal earthquakes in the southern Kuril Trench. Earth, Planets and Space. 2024
  • Paul Caesar M. Flores, Shuichi Kodaira, Gaku Kimura, Kazuya Shiraishi, Yasuyuki Nakamura, Gou Fujie, Tetsuo No, Yuka Kaiho. Link Between Geometrical and Physical Property Changes Along Nankai Trough With Slow Earthquake Activity Revealed by Dense Reflection Survey. Geophysical Research Letters. 2024
  • Hiroto Yamaguchi, Shuichi Kodaira, Gou Fujie, Tetsuo No, Yasuyuki Nakamura, Kazuya Shiraishi, Nobukazu Seama. Undulations in Subducted Oceanic Crust Correlate With Shallow Tremor Distribution in the Kuril Trench Off Hokkaido. Geophysical Research Letters. 2023. 51. 1
  • Gou Fujie, Shuichi Kodaira, Koichiro Obana, Yojiro Yamamoto, Takehi Isse, Tomoaki Yamada, Tetsuo No, Yasuyuki Nakamura, Seiichi Miura. The nature of the Pacific plate as subduction inputs to the northeastern Japan arc and its implication for subduction zone processes. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science. 2023. 10. 1
  • Takeshi Sato, Tetsuo No, Shuichi Kodaira. Characteristics of crustal structures in the Yamato Basin, sea of Japan, deduced from seismic explorations. Island Arc. 2023. 32. 1
MISC (17件):
  • 佐藤 比呂志, 石山 達也, 野 徹雄, 加藤 直子, 小平 秀一, 佐藤 壮, 松原 誠. 東北日本背弧域での震源断層モデルの構築と実施したリスクコミュニケーション会議. 地震予知連絡会会報. 2022. 108. 635-639
  • Tetsuo No. R/V KAIMEI Cruise Report KM22-07. 2022
  • Tetsuo No. R/V KAIMEI Cruise Report KM21-04. 2021
  • Tetsuo No. R/V KAIMEI Cruise Report KM20-E02. 2020
  • Tetsuo No. KR19-06C Cruise report. 2019
講演・口頭発表等 (237件):
  • 岩手沖日本海溝での反射法地震探査断面から見た陸側斜面の変形構造
    (日本地質学会第131年学術大会 2024)
  • 日本海東部の活構造・地殻構造から検討した能登半島周辺の海底活断層の構造
    (日本地質学会第131年学術大会 2024)
  • 海上マルチチャンネル反射法および海底地震計広角反射法による地殻構造の描像
    (物理探査学会 第150回(2024年度春季)学術講演会 2024)
  • Sensitivity Analysis for the Tsunami Source Explaining Tsunami Height along the Niigata Coast during the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake
    (日本地球惑星科学連合2024年大会 2024)
  • Seismic reflection imaging in the northern part of the Japan Trench subduction zone
    (日本地球惑星科学連合2024年大会 2024)
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