Yuta Yamaguchi, Mitsuo Otsuka, Naoki Wada, Tetsunari Nishiyama. Power production strategy during steady-state cycling is cadence dependent. Journal of biomechanics. 2023. 158. 111772-111772
Yuta Yamaguchi, Mitsuo Otsuka, Kohei Watanabe, Naoki Wada, Tetsunari Nishiyama. The relationship between pedal force application technique and the ability to perform supramaximal pedaling cadences. FRONTIERS IN SPORTS AND ACTIVE LIVING. 2022. 4
篠原 秀典, 高橋 和孝, 山口 雄大. 片脚スプリットステップにおける下肢3関節のキネティクス : 踏切脚の足向角に着目して-The kinetic properties at joint of lower limb during the unilateral split-step : Focusing on the foot angle of take-off leg. ソフトテニス研究 = Japanese journal of soft tennis science. 2021. 2. 7-21