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岩橋 明子, 境田 靖子, 由田 克士. 初産婦の年齢と児の体格,母児の食習慣および生活習慣の比較-Relationship between the Maternal age of the Primipara, the physique of the child and the eating habits of the mother and child. 母性衛生 = Japanese journal of maternal health. 2023. 63. 4. 822-831
境田 靖子, 岩橋 明子, 由田 克士. 非妊時体格別体重増加量と妊娠前後の食生活の関連-Relationship between Gestational Weight gain by body size and Dietary Habits before and during pregnancy. 母性衛生 = Japanese journal of maternal health. 2022. 63. 2. 492-505