Ryuichi Takeshige, Nobuo Imai, Ryota Aoyagi, Yoshimi Sawada, Robert Ong, Kanehiro Kitayama. Influences of fern and vine coverage on the above-ground biomass recovery in a Bornean logged-over degraded secondary forest. Journal of Forest Research. 2023. 28. 4. 260-270
Ryuichi Takeshige, Masanori Onishi, Ryota Aoyagi, Yoshimi Sawada, Nobuo Imai, Robert Ong, Kanehiro Kitayama. Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Fern Thickets and Vine-Laden Forests in the Landscape of Bornean Logged-Over Tropical Secondary Rainforests. Remote Sensing. 2022. 14. 14. 3354-3354
Yoshimi Sawada, Nobuo Imai, Ryuichi Takeshige, Kanehiro Kitayama. Relationships between tree-community composition and regeneration potential of Shorea trees in logged-over tropical rain forests. Journal of Forest Research. 2021. 27. 3. 222-229
Influences of the fern/vine thickets formation on the above-ground biomass recovery rate in a Bornean logged-over secondary forest
(57th annual meeting of the association for tropical biology and conservation 2021)