Ryota Tanaka, Tetsuo Sonomura, Akihiko Kumamoto, Hiroki Furotani, Kodai Fukuda, Masataka Koike, Nobuyuki Higashino, Atsufumi Kamisako, Takao Koyama, Hirotatsu Sato. Renal Artery Embolization Using an Ethanol-Lipiodol® Mixture for Enlarged Polycystic Kidneys: Achieving Kidney Transplantation Without Nephrectomy. CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology. 2021. 44. 1. 172-175
講演・口頭発表等 (15件):
(第30回日本血管内治療学会総会 2024)
NBCA-Lipiodol-Iopamidol Basics and Applications
(第53回日本IVR学会総会 2024)
Investigation of the optimal preparation of NBCA-Lipiodol-Iopamidol mixture
(第83回日本医学放射線学会総会 2024)
Investigation of the factors that improve the stability of polidocanol and monoethanolamine oleic acid foams, and determination of the optimal device for creating foams
(第83回日本医学放射線学会総会 2024)
Effects of oleic acid on the viscosity and X-ray fluoroscopic visibility of Lipiodol: A basic study.
(CIRSE 2023 2023)