Natsuki Kishimoto, Roxana Stegaroiu, Satoko Shibata, Hiromi Otsuka, Akitsugu Ohuchi. Income from nutrition and oral health management among long-term care insurance facilities in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. Gerodontology. 2019. 36. 1. 55-62
Hiromi Otsuka, Keiko Kondo, Yuki Ohara, Masayo Yasuda, Natsuki Kishimoto, Masayo Sunaga, Keiko Endo, Shinichi Arakawa, Atsuhiro Kinoshita, Kayoko Shinada. An Inter- and Intraprofessional Education Program in Which Dental Hygiene Students Instruct Medical and Dental Students. Journal of dental education. 2016. 80. 9. 1062-70
Natsuki Kishimoto, Roxana Stegaroiu, Satoko Shibata, Kayoko Ito, Makoto Inoue, Akitsugu Ohuchi. Changes in the Oral Moisture and the Amount of Microorganisms in Saliva and Tongue Coating after Oral Ingestion Resumption: A Pilot Study. The open dentistry journal. 2016. 10. 79-88
山中 紗都, 有村 奈己, 岸本 奈月. 臨床報告 周術期患者における術後口腔保健行動に及ぼすと推測された術前口腔ケア介入の効果-Effects of a preoperative intervention on postoperative oral health behavior in perioperative patients. 日本歯科衛生学会雑誌. 2017. 11. 2. 50-58
岸本 奈月, ステガロユ ロクサーナ, 柴田 佐都子. 症例報告 経口摂取が口腔内水分量と唾液および舌苔中の微生物量に与える影響 : 嚥下障害を併発するシェーグレン症候群患者に嚥下直接訓練を実施した一症例-The effect of oral food intake on the oral cavity moisture and the amount of microorganisms in saliva and tongue coating : A case report of deglutition training in a Sjogren's syndrome patient with associated dysphagia. 日本歯科衛生学会雑誌. 2013. 8. 1. 63-69
Japanese long-term care benefits for nutrition and oral management.
(95th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR (International Association for Dental Research) 2017)