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Jessica A Bush, Samantha M Meyer, Rita Fuerst, Yuquan Tong, Yue Li, Raphael I Benhamou, Haruo Aikawa, Patrick R A Zanon, Quentin M R Gibaut, Alicia J Angelbello, et al. A blood-brain penetrant RNA-targeted small molecule triggers elimination of r(G4C2)exp in c9ALS/FTD via the nuclear RNA exosome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2022. 119. 48. e2210532119
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Jessica A Bush, Haruo Aikawa, Rita Fuerst, Yue Li, Andrei Ursu, Samantha M Meyer, Raphael I Benhamou, Jonathan L Chen, Tanya Khan, Sarah Wagner-Griffin, et al. Ribonuclease recruitment using a small molecule reduced c9ALS/FTD r(G4C2) repeat expansion in vitro and in vivo ALS models. Science translational medicine. 2021. 13. 617. eabd5991
Samantha M Meyer, Christopher C Williams, Yoshihiro Akahori, Toru Tanaka, Haruo Aikawa, Yuquan Tong, Jessica L Childs-Disney, Matthew D Disney. Small molecule recognition of disease-relevant RNA structures. Chemical Society reviews. 2020. 49. 19. 7167-7199