J-GLOBAL ID:202401004937774916   更新日: 2024年12月05日

DAI Xuanzhong

ダイ シュアンジョン | DAI Xuanzhong
職名: 特定研究員
研究分野 (1件): 代数学
研究キーワード (1件): 表現論,数論,数理物理学
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
  • 2023 - 2025 Chiral de Rham complex and automorphic forms
論文 (6件):
  • Dai, Xuanzhong, Song, Bailin. Simple vertex algebras arising from congruence subgroups. Adv.Math. 2024. 456. 109900-109900
  • Arakawa, Tomoyuki, Dai, Xuanzhong, Fasquel, Justine, Li, Bohan, Moreau, Anne. On some simple orbifold affine VOAs at non-admissible level arising from rank one 4D SCFTs. 2024
  • Dai, Xuanzhong. Chiral differential operators on the upper half plane and modular forms. Adv.Math. 2021. 390. 107957-107957
  • Dai, Xuanzhong. Chiral de Rham Complex on the Upper Half Plane and Modular Forms. Int.Math.Res.Not. 2021. 2022. 24. 19258-19299
  • Dai, Xuanzhong, Zhu, Yongchang. A Construction of Representations of Loop Group and Affine Lie Algebra of $\frak {sl}_{n}. Algebr.Represent.Theory. 2021. 25. 3. 649-668
講演・口頭発表等 (19件):
  • On a series of simple affine VOAs at non-admissible level arising from rank one 4D SCFTs
    (Vertex operator algebras and related topics 2024)
  • On recent progress of chiral de Rham complex and modular forms II
  • On recent progress of chiral de Rham complex and modular forms
  • Chiral differential operators over G/U and associated variety
    (Vertex algebras, geometric representation theory and quantum groups 2024)
  • A quantization of modular forms
    (Workshop on quantum algebras and representation 2024)
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