J-GLOBAL ID:202401012994079100   更新日: 2024年03月28日

加倉井 和久

カクライ カズヒサ | Kakurai Kazuhisa
職名: 学術研究員
競争的資金等の研究課題 (19件):
  • 2019 - 2023 強磁性金属の量子臨界近傍における中性子回折磁気構造解析
  • 2007 - 2011 量子フラストレーション
  • 2008 - 2010 量子スピン系の多重極限環境下における新奇な基底状態と素励起
  • 2005 - 2009 超強磁場X線分光・中性子散乱による局在遍歴電子相関系の研究
  • 2005 - 2007 磁性単原子制御規則合金膜の偏極中性子散乱による精密磁気構造解析
論文 (5件):
  • Y. Kawamoto, T. Kikkawa, M. Kawamata, Y. Umemoto, A. G. Manning, K. C. Rule, K. Ikeuchi, K. Kamazawa, M. Fujita, E. Saitoh, et al. Understanding spin currents from magnon dispersion and polarization: Spin-Seebeck effect and neutron scattering study on Tb3Fe5O12. Applied Physics Letters. 2024. 124. 13. 132406-132406
  • Takayasu Hanashima, Jun-ichi Suzuki, Kazuhisa Kakurai, Noboru Miyata, Ken-ichiro Sakai, Hiroyuki Deguchi, Yoshiaki Hara, Satoshi Takeichi, Tsuyoshi Yoshitake. Temperature- and magnetic field-induced magnetic structural changes in the Fe3Si/FeSi2 superlattice. Applied Physics Express. 2024. 17. 3. 035002-035002
  • Ellen Fogh, Mithilesh Nayak, Oleksandr Prokhnenko, Maciej Bartkowiak, Koji Munakata, Jian-Rui Soh, Alexandra A. Turrini, Mohamed E. Zayed, Ekaterina Pomjakushina, Hiroshi Kageyama, et al. Field-induced bound-state condensation and spin-nematic phase in SrCu2(BO3)2 revealed by neutron scattering up to 25.9 T. Nature Communications. 2024. 15. 1
  • S Takahashi, R Kiyanagi, R Kobayashi, T Okudaira, T Ino, J Suzuki, K Kakurai, T Oku. The first polarized neutron diffraction experiment at the time-of-flight single crystal neutron diffractometer SENJU at J-PARC. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2023. 2481. 1. 012005-012005
  • Y Nambu, M Enderle, T. Weber, K Kakurai. Neutron polarisation correction to triple-axis data with analytical derivations. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2023. 2481. 1. 012004-012004
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