J-GLOBAL ID:202401014615671890   更新日: 2024年09月30日

能勢 卓

ノセ タクジ | NOSE Takuji
職名: 教授
研究分野 (1件): 英文学、英語圏文学
研究キーワード (1件): アメリカ文学・英米演劇の台詞の文体・コーパス言語学・アメリカ映画・物語文法
論文 (15件):
  • Takuji NOSE. A Stylistic Analysis of Linguistic Features in the Characterization of the Doppelgänger Protagonist in Eugene O’Neill’s Days Without End. 福岡女学院大学紀要 人文学部編. 2023. 33. 1-19
  • Takuji NOSE. Abandonment and Quest of Faith in Eugene O’Neill's Plays. 英語表現研究. 2022. 39. 41-59
  • Takuji NOSE. Female Dominance in the Movie The Devil Wears Prada: A Corpus Stylistic Approach Toward Two Central Characters’ Speeches. 福岡女学院大学紀要 人文学部編. 2022. 32. 49-68
  • Takuji NOSE. A Corpus Stylistic Approach toward ‘Force of Meaning’ in Eugene O’Neill’s Mourning Becomes Electra. 『混沌と共存する比較文化研究』. 2020. 108-120
  • Takuji NOSE. Creative Process of Dialogical Speeches in Days Without End. 福岡女学院大学紀要 人文学部編. 2019. 29. 41-66
講演・口頭発表等 (6件):
  • “Force of Meaning in Eugene O’Neill’s Mourning Becomes Electra”
    (PALA 2019 (Annual International Conference of Poetics and Linguistics Association) 2019)
  • “An Analysis of the Malicious Dialogues Between the Mannon Ladies in Eugene O’Neill’s Mourning Becomes Electra”
    (PALA 2013 (Annual International Conference of Poetics and Linguistics Association) 2013)
  • “How does Eugene O’Neill depict two or three aspects of a split-natured protagonist?-An Analysis of Linguistic Features in Characterization in The Great God Brown-”
    (PALA 2010 (Annual International Conference of Poetics and Linguistics Association) 2010)
  • “Creative Development in Dialogue in Days Without End”
    (PALA 2009 (Annual International Conference of Poetics and Linguistics Association) 2009)
  • “Speech System of the Stage Manager in Thornton Widler’s Pullman Car Hiawatha”
    (PALA 2008 (Annual International Conference of Poetics and Linguistics Association). The University of Sheffield. 2008)
学位 (1件):
  • 修士(英語学英米文学専攻) (英知大学)
経歴 (1件):
  • 2023/04 - 現在 福岡女学院大学 人文学部 現代文化学科 教授
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