J-GLOBAL ID:202401020654933738   更新日: 2024年07月29日

矢冨 弘

ヤドミ ヒロシ | Yadomi Hiroshi
職名: 准教授
論文 (4件):
  • Yadomi, Hiroshi. Early Modern Printed Sermons as Evidence for Idiolect: Lancelot Andrewes' Use of Third-Person Singular Inflection. 熊本学園大学 文学・言語学論集 第31巻第1号(通巻 第60号). 2024. 31. 1. 63-100
  • Yadomi, Hiroshi. The Third-Person Singular Neuter Possessives in Early Modern English Sermons : A Sociolinguistic Approach to Language Practices of Early Modern English Sermon Writers. 2020. 66. 14-34
  • Yadomi Hiroshi. The Regulation of the Auxiliary Do: Do-less Negative Declarative Sentences in American English from 1800 to the Present Day. Zephyr. 2015. 27. 44-70
  • Yadomi Hiroshi. The Auxiliary Do in Negative Constructions in Shakespeare's Plays. Zephyr. 2013. 25. 30-50
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