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Categorical semantics of parallel computation models based on communications
論文 (2件):
Akira Yamanaka, Hiroshi Otsuka, Dota Otsuka, Shinya Ueda, Jorge Diaz-Cidoncha Garcia, Masahiro Sugiyama. Evaluation of Football Pass Extraction Using the Offence/Defence Model. International Journal of Sports and Physical Education. 2021. 7. 1. 19-35
Akira yamanaka, Hiroshi Otsuka, Tetsuya Deguti, ken okihara, Dota otsuka, Shinya Ueda, Jorge Diaz-Cidoncha Garcia, Selina Khoo, David Stroud, Masahiro Sugiyama. Tactical analysis through objective data in football. Insight - Sports Science. 2020. 2. 1. 1-15
, 日本ソフトウェア科学会
, 日本数学会
, Information Processing Society of Japan
, Japan Society for Software Science and Technology
, Mathmatical Society of Japan