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Impact of landless people resettlement on mangrove afforestation in Bangladesh: a case study from the Hatiya Island of Noakhali district
(第25回日本熱帯生態学会年次大会 2016)
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The reality of an agricultural marginal society in Java Island and the effectiveness of Forest Management with Communities (PHBM)
(第25回日本熱帯生態学会年次大会 2015)
Challenges of the State Forestry Corporation in Java, Indonesia:Before and after the Reformation
(第25回日本熱帯生態学会年次大会 2015)
Changes in forest resource use and local livelihood and the implications for the forest management: a decade of a village surrounded by teak forests in Central Java
(第25回日本熱帯生態学会年次大会 2015)