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Hiroshi Kanbayashi, Carola Hommerich, Naoki Sudo. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Household Income and Mental Well-Being: Evidence from a Panel Survey in Japan. 理論と方法. 2022. 36. 2. 259-275
Shin Arita, Kikuko Nagayoshi, Hirofumi Taki, Hiroshi Kanbayashi, Hirohisa Takenoshita, Takashi Yoshida. Legitimation of Income Inequality in Japan: A Comparison with South Korea and the United States. FFJ DISCUSSION PAPER #19-02. 2019
神林 博史. The Changing Images of Japan’s Social Stratification: The Other Side of the ‘Quiet Transformation’. Social Science Japan Journal. 2019. 22. 1. 45-63
Book Review: Koyō kankei to shakaiteki fubyōdō: Sangyōteki shitizunshippu keisei tenkai to shite no kōzō hendō (Employment Relations and Social Inequalities: Social Structural Changes Shaped by the Development of Industrial Citizenship). 2023