Pragmatics in language teaching. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching Vol. 4, Supplement on the Teaching and Learning of A. 2007. 4. 73-77
講演・口頭発表等 (20件):
Japanese Language Education in Japan’s English-based Degree Programs in the 21st Century
(The 9th CLS (The Center for Language Studies) International Conference, National University of Singapore 2022)
(留学生教育学会・第26回年次大会 2021)
Exploring the Possibility of JSL/JFL Extensive Reading from the Second Language Socialization Perspective
(The Fourth World Congress in Extensive Reading 2017)
Exploring Potential Contributions of Japanese Extensive Reading to JSL/JFL Education
(The Six Center for Language Studies International Conference (CLaSIC) 2014 2014)