J-GLOBAL ID:200901003737244803
更新日: 2023年10月25日
新里 昌功
masanori shinzato
藤田医科大学 医療科学部 医療経営情報学科 診療情報学
藤田医科大学 医療科学部 医療経営情報学科 診療情報学 について
「藤田医科大学 医療科学部 医療経営情報学科 診療情報学」ですべてを検索
論文 (4件):
新里 昌功. Inhibitory effects of emodin on intestinal tumor development in Min mice. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy. 2016. 26. 2. 45-54
Ushio Iwamoto, Hideo Hori, Yoshihiro Takami, Yasuo Tokushima, Masanori Shinzato, Mikitomo Yasutake, Nobuya Kitaguchi. A novel cell-containing device for regenerative medicine: biodegradable nonwoven filters with peripheral blood cells promote wound healing. JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL ORGANS. 2015. 18. 4. 315-321
Hideo Hori, Ushio Iwamoto, Gen Niimi, Masanori Shinzato, Yoshiyuki Hiki, Yasuo Tokushima, Kazunori Kawaguchi, Atsushi Ohashi, Shigeru Nakai, Mikitomo Yasutake, et al. Appropriate nonwoven filters effectively capture human peripheral blood cells and mesenchymal stem cells, which show enhanced production of growth factors. JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL ORGANS. 2015. 18. 1. 55-63
Kazuyoshi Sakai, Ryuji Nomura, Yoshimi Hasegawa, Masanori Sinzato, Kazuhiro Nishii, Yoshimitsu Katoh, Kouji Yamada. Phenotypic changes of AADC-only-immunoreactive cells in the alimentary canal of the laboratory shrew, Suncus murinus, induced by systemic administration of monoamine precursors. Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica. 2015. 92. 2. 43-47
MISC (70件):
Masanori Shinzato, Hidehiko Beppu, Kenmei Mizutani, Shigeru Sonoda, Toshihiko Katafuchi, Masataka Ifuku, Mami Hanada, Naoki Takayanagi, Kumiko Yamaguchi, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, et al. Analysis of motor ataxia in relation to cerebellar morphology. Structure and Function. 2013. 12. 1. 10-19
Hidehiko Beppu, Kenmei Mizutani, Naoki Takayanagi, Masanori Shinzato, Shigeru Sonoda, Hisahide Takahashi. Characterization of ataxia shown by an abnormal behavior mouse derived from the C57BL/6-cpk mouse with infantile cystic kidney disease. Structure and Function. 2013. 11. 2. 92-101
Kazuyoshi Sakai, Hideki Imada, Masanori Shinzato, Kazuhiro Nishii, Ei-Ichi Miyachi, Yoshimitsu Katoh, Kouji Yamada. Peculiar Tonsil-like Structure near Vagina of the Laboratory Shrew, Suncus murinus. Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica. 2013. 89. 4. 105-112
Takaaki Kaneko, Kan Shimpo, Takeshi Chihara, Hidehiko Beppu, Akiko Tomatsu, Masanori Shinzato, Takamasa Yanagida, Tsutomu Ieike, Shigeru Sonoda, Akihiko Futamura, et al. Inhibition of ENNG-Induced Pyloric Stomach and Small Intestinal Carcinogenesis in Mice by High Temperature- and Pressure-Treated Garlic. ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION. 2012. 13. 5. 1983-1988
Kazuyoshi Sakai, Genzoh Isomura, Masanori Shinzato, Hideki Imada, Keiki Yamada. The Distribution of T Lymphocytes, B Lymphocytes, and Dendritic-Like Cells of the Anal Tonsil in the Laboratory Shrew, Suncus murinus. MICROSCOPY RESEARCH AND TECHNIQUE. 2011. 74. 9. 819-824
書籍 (6件):
学会出版センター 2011
KTC中央出版 2005
現代書林 1994
Aloe arborescens Miller var.natalensis Berger: The Pharmacological and Therapeutic Effects I
Fujita Health University Press 1993
Voltammetry in the Neurosciences
The Humana Press, Inc 1987
講演・口頭発表等 (4件):
スンクス免疫担当器官の構造と細胞分布 -多様な生態に関連して-
(第7回スンクス研究会 2014)
(第7回日本臨床検査学教育学会学術大会 2013)
The Effectiveness and Refinements of Special Program for Passing Japanese Health Information Manager Certification Exam in Fujita Health University
(17th IFHIMA Congress 2013)
(第6回スンクス研究会 2012)
学位 (1件):
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