J-GLOBAL ID:200901004289399414   更新日: 2022年08月27日

Peou Sorpong

ポー ソルポン | Peou Sorpong
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
  • Regional Security in the Asia-Pacific
  • Regional Security in the Asia-Pacific
MISC (42件):
  • Sorpong Peou. Merit in security community studies. International Relations of the Asia-Pacific. 2005. 5. 2. 267-274
  • PEOU SORPONG. "Merit in Security Community Studies.”. International Relations of the Asia-Pacific (2005). 2005. 5. 2. 267-274
  • PEOU SORPONG. "The UN, Peacekeeping and Collective Human Security: From the Agenda for Peace to the Brahimi Report,". International Peacekeeping. 2003. 9. 2. 51-68
  • PEOU SORPONG. "The UN, Peacekeeping and Collective Human Security: From the Agenda for Peace to the Brahimi Report,". International Peacekeeping. 2003. 9. 2. 51-68
  • PEOU SORPONG. "Constructivism in Contemporary East-Asian Security Studies: Assessing its Strengths and Weaknesses,". Pacific Focus. 2002. 17. 2. 177-211
書籍 (44件):
  • International Democracy Assistance for Peacebuilding: Cambodia and Beyond
    Palgrav Macmillan 2007 2007
  • International Democracy Assistance for Peacebuilding: Cambodia and Beyond
    Palgrav Macmillan 2007 2007
  • “The Promise and Limits of International Assistance for Human Rights Institution Building in Cambodia”
    In Promoting Democracy in Postconflict Societies, edited Jeroen de Zeeuw and Krishna Kumar (Boulder, CO & London: Lynne Rienner, 2006) 2006
  • *“Consolidation or Crisis of Democracy? Cambodia’s Parliamentary Elections in 2003 & Beyond.”
    in Between Consolidation and Crisis: Elections and Democracy in Five Nations in Southeast Asia, edited by Aurel Croissant and Beate Martin (Germany: Lit Verlag, 2006) 2006
  • “From the Battlefield into the State: Post-UNTAC Political Violence & the Limits of Peacebuilding.”
    in The Politics of Death: Political Violence in Southeast Asia, edited by Aurel Croissant, Beate Martin, and Sascha Kneip (Berlin, Germany: Lit verlag, 2006) 2006
経歴 (1件):
  • 上智大学 国際教養学部 国際教養学科 国際教養学部 国際教養学科 教授
受賞 (2件):
  • 1993 - Barton Award in International Peace and Security, International Council for Canadian Studies, Ottawa
  • 1993 - Barton Award in International Peace and Security, International Council for Canadian Studies, Ottawa
所属学会 (26件):
Cambodian Institute for Peace and Cooperation ,  Cambodia ,  Phnom Penh ,  Cambodian Development Research Institute ,  the Board of Directors ,  Singapore ,  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies ,  Canada ,  York University ,  Centre for International and Security Studies ,  The International Studies Association ,  USA ,  The Academic Council on the United Nations System ,  Cambodian Institute for Peace and Cooperation ,  Cambodia ,  Phnom Penh ,  Cambodian Development Research Institute ,  the Board of Directors ,  Singapore ,  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies ,  Canada ,  York University ,  Centre for International and Security Studies ,  The International Studies Association ,  USA ,  The Academic Council on the United Nations System
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