大西 将史, 廣澤 愛子, 笹原 未来, 鈴木 静香, 織田 安沙美, 松木 健一. 教職志望大学生による特別な配慮が必要な児童生徒への支援活動に関する研究 : 保護者の視点から捉えた支援対象児の行動特徴と支援効果-A Study of Support Activities for Children with Special Needs by Pre-Service Student Teachers : Children's Behavioral Features and Support Effects Assessed from the Viewpoint of Parents. 臨床心理学 = Japanese journal of clinical psychology. 2021. 21. 5. 595-607
Aiko Hirosawa, Tomohiro Takezawa, Sakiko Ogoshi. Effective Attitudes of Supporters to nourish Independence and Sociality of Children with Developmental Disorders : Analysis of Participant Observation Records in Small-Group Activities. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY. 2016. 51. 415-415
Aiko Hirosawa, Masafumi Ohnishi, Toshiyuki Kishi. A creation of a scale for dissociative coping behavior. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY. 2016. 51. 128-128
What are educational maltreatment and abuse by parents in Japan ? (2) : An examination of risk factors and factors related to a decrease in and disappearance of educational maltreatment by parents
(The International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse & Neglect 2023)
What are educational maltreatment and abuse by parents in Japan? (1) : A theoretical and empirical examination of the concepts
(The International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse & Neglect 2023)