研究キーワード (5件):
, 食生活
, Food Science and Nutritional Science
, Public Health and Health Science
, Food Culture
競争的資金等の研究課題 (4件):
Study on the supporting system of the food life for the elderly liveing at home
Survey of the process of weaning and the taste of baby food
Studies on the eating habits and the properties of salt-taste periception
Survey of food intake and oral condition in elderly
MISC (45件):
A comporison of the Peraption and the Willing ness to pass on looking tradintions to the Next Geveration during the Special Events between Koream and Japanese. The Journal of Asian Regional Association for Home Economics. 2002. Vol. 9, No. 1
A comporison of the Peraption and the Willing ness to pass on looking tradintions to the Next Geveration during the Special Events between Koream and Japanese. The Journal of Asian Regional Association for Home Economics. 2002. Vol. 9, No. 1
Studies on the eating habits of female students and the properties of their salt-taste perception. Journal for the Integrate Study of Dietary Habits. 2001. 11. 4. 353