研究キーワード (8件):
, 学生による授業評価
, (異文化間)コミュニケーション
, 英語プレゼンテーションの指導と評価
, e-learning
, Student Feedback on Courses and Teaching
, Intercultural communication
, Teaching English as a Foreign Language
1997 - 2000 Japanese Students' Feelings about Their English Use
1999 - Learning Style Analysis
1995 - Teaching English in the context of intercultural understanding
1994 - communication strategy
Study of Learning Styles
Study of Intercultural Understanding
A research for effective use of e-learning in English education
論文 (36件):
Mariko Okuzaki, Kenji Moriya. A Self-Learning Support System Based on An Eye-Tracking Analysis of a Dual Task in English: Pilot Study (2) Proceedings of ISATE 2023. Proceedings of ISATE 2023. 2023
ブルームの改訂版タクソノミーに基づくPractical Science in English 科目のシラバスデザイン. 全国高等専門学校英語教育学会研究論集. 2022. 41. 55-64
Mariko Okuzaki. Follow-Up Report: A classroom study of online study on test of English for International Communication at National Institute of Technology, Hakodate College. ISATE-International Symposium on Advances in Technology Education Conference proceedings. 2020. 2. 58-61
A Self-Learning Support System Based on an Eye-Tracking Analysis of a Dual Task in English
(International Research Conference, Bangkok, Thailand (Online) 2024)
A Self-Learning Support System Based on An Eye-Tracking Analysis of a Dual Task in English: Pilot Study (2)
(ISATE 2023 2023)
A Pilot Study for Self-Learning Support System Using Eye-Tracking Analysis
(11th SEAMEO-University of Tsukuba Symposium (Virtual) 2023)
A Self-Learning Support System Based on an Eye-Tracking Analysis of a Dual Task in English as A Foreign Language -Pilot Study (1)-
(6th International Conference on Research in Education, Teaching and Learning 2023)