研究キーワード (4件):
learner strategies
, action research
, second language acquisition
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
2010 - 2012 CALL学習における学習者の教材利用と学習ストラテジーについての実証的研究
論文 (7件):
BESSETTE Alan. Students' Attitudes and Use of a Computer Assisted Learning System : A Preliminary Investigation. 秋田英語英文学 = Akita english studies. 2018. 59. 13-21
BESSETTE Alan. Learner Use of a Tutorial CALL Program. プール学院大学研究紀要 = Journal of Poole Gakuin University. 2013. 54. 54. 77-87
Bessette Alan. TOEIC: uses and misuses: testing improves education the same way that bombing promotes democracy. プ-ル学院大学研究紀要. 2007. 47. 47. 35-45
Bessette Alan. Action Research in an Academic Listening Class. プ-ル学院大学研究紀要. 1999. 39. 39. 157-169
Bessette Alan. Responding to Student Compositions : Suggestions for Teacher Feedback. プール学院大学研究紀要. 1996. 36. 36. 99-117