研究キーワード (6件):
, オーラル コミュニケーション
, 家族と子どもの発達
, principles of child care
, oral communication
, Family and Child Development
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
Pecuniary Education
MISC (8件):
Pecuniary Education for Preschooler through Secondary Education in the United States. 下関女子短期大学紀要(Bulletin of Shimonoseki Women's Junior College). 1998. 17
Pecuniary Education for Preschooler through Secondary Education in the United States. Bulletin of Shimonoseki Women's Junior College. 1998. 17
For you For me. 祥文社. 1994
アメリカにおける性的子ども虐待の実態とその関題点. 下関女子短期大学紀要. 1991. 9
Alcoholism and Studies Among Young American Indians. 下関女子短期大学紀要(Bulletin of Shimonoseki Junior College). 1990. 8