Analysis of consumers' voluntary communication and learning on HP
Study of computer game software industry
論文 (14件):
坂本 麗香. 大学でのキャリア教育におけるドキュメンタリーTV番組の活用 : 「セブンルール」を教材とした実践-Use of Documentary TV Programs in Career Education at Women's Colleges : Practice Using "Seven Rules" as a Teaching Tool. 名古屋女子大学紀要 = Journal of Nagoya Women's University / 紀要編集委員会 編. 2023. 69. 271-280
坂本 麗香. 女性の働きやすさと活躍推進に関する認定制度の効力 : 女子大学生の認知度と重視度分析より-The Efficacy of the Certification System of Women-friendly Workplace and the Promotion of Future Corporate Success : Based on an Analysis of Female College Students' Awareness and Significance for this Certification System. 名古屋女子大学紀要. 家政・自然編, 人文・社会編 = Journal of Nagoya Women's University. Home economics・natural science, humanities・social science / 紀要編集委員会 編. 2021. 67. 235-246
Human Resource Management in Japanese Video Game Software Companies. International Congress on Modelling and Simulation Proceedings. 1999. 4. 1033-1037