1903 - 1906 Development of Higher Cerebral Function of the Aged the basis of Cognitive Gelontrogy
Study on the health problems in various life environment
Study on the response towards various stumili upon the cerebral hemisphere
Longitudinal Studies on the Development of Physical Fitness and Activity
MISC (52件):
雑誌広告における空間的"間"の有効性. 日本女子大学紀要人間社会学部. 2000. 11. 14
ラジオ広告の評価に関する生理心理学的検討. 日本女子大学人間社会研究科 紀要. 2000. 6
Visual Comfort of a Colar image for advertising : the Number of letters and Hue variation. Jap. Women's University Jornal Faculty of Integrated Arts and Social Science. 2000. 11. 14
Physiopsychological Approach for the Evaluation of Radio Adrertising. JAPAN WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY JOURNAL The graduate School of Integraded Arts and Social Science. 2000. 6