2003 - Numerical Analysis for Flom and Pollutant in Porous Media
1997 - 地盤材料の構成則とそのモデル化
1997 - Constitutive Equations and Modelling of Geomaterials
1990 - 損傷力学と岩盤構造物への応用
1990 - Damage Mechanics and Application for Rock Structure
MISC (224件):
草深 守人, 遠藤智嗣, 白石保則, 草深守人. 保水性路盤の水分と熱の輸送特性. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Advances in Discontinuous Numerical Methods and Applications in Geomechanics and Geoengineering. 2012. 10. 407-412