X-ray Imaging Microscopy at 82 keV with Sputtered-sliced Fresnel Zone Plate Objective. Proceedings of Institute of pure applied physics. 2006. 7. 47-49
Practical use of quasi-kinoform zone plate : Towards high-efficiency microbeam for hard /high-energy x-rays. Proceedinds of Institute of pure applied physics. 2006. 7. 97-99
High-Resolution X-Ray Imaging Microtomography with Fresnel Zone Plate Optics at SPring-8. Proceedings of Institute of pure applied physics. 2006. 7. 360-362
Diffraction efficiency of multi-level zone plate fabricated by sputtered-sliced method for hard X-ray focusing. Proceedings of Institute of pure applied physics. 2006. 7. 119-120