研究キーワード (4件):
, 古代・中世説話文学の研究
, A study of theory books of Renga verse J?ha by Satomura
, A study of narrative literature in Ancient and Medieval Japanese literature
競争的資金等の研究課題 (4件):
A study of theory books of Renga verse by satomura jy(]E87C7[)ha
A study of narrative literature in Ancient and medieval japanese literature
SHIRAISHI Misuzu. Book Review "Nagatobon Heikemonogatari 1~4" by Asahara Yoshiko・Koido Moritosi・Sato Tomohiro,"Nagatobon Heikemonogatari Jiritsugosakuin" by Ogawa Eiichi・ Asahara Yosiko・Okura Hiroshi・Koido Moritosi・Sato Tomohiro,"Heikemonogatari Nagatobon Engyoubon Tais・・・. Kokubun Mejiro. 2012. 51. 133-135
SHIRAISHI Misuzu. A Reprinto of "Renngahishusho"in the Possession of the Department of Japanese,Japan Women's University. Japan Women's University JOURNAL Faculty of Humanities. 2012. 61. 25-40