根本志保子. Socio-economic Thought of the Teikei, Movement and the Early Organic Agriculture in Japan: Overcoming ‘Natural and Human Alienation’ 「日本の初期有機農業と産消提携運動の 社会経済思想-自然・人間疎外の克服」 (日本大学経済学部経済科学研究所研究会,【第212回】 2020年12月24日,2018~2019年度共同研究B成果報告 「経済グローバリズムと文化・政治・制度における 地域主義の対抗と調整」(研究発表会議事録). 経科研レポート(日本大学経済学部). 2021. 46. 43-46
Shihoko Nemoto. Socio-economic Thought of the Teikei Movement and the Early Organic Agriculture in Japan: Overcoming ‘Natural and Human Alienation’. Bulletin of Research Institute of Economic Science College of Economics Nihon University. 2021. 51. 107-121
Yoneo Okada’s ‘Consumer Subsistence Farm’ - Economic security systems for sustainable food production by consumers’ joint investment -
(History of Economic Thought Society of Australia & Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought Annual Conference 2024)
Teruo Ichiraku’s Moral Economy through face-to-face relationship - Ichiraku’s thoughts with its genealogy and evaluation of his association-typed small ethical economy from the perspective of the commons
(The 2nd IVR Japan International Conference (Internationale Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy) 2023)