- 2004 - 2007 高齢者の快適な衣服の研究
- 2004 - 2007 A Study of Comfortable Clothing for Elderly People
- 大島紬の広幅洋装織物の研究
- 女子短大生の体型分析 -全国と地域の違いによる身体計測値の比較-
- リハビリ患者の衣服のデザインと色彩について(第II報)
- 高齢者の暖房に関する研究(III) -椅子式炬燵による暖房の試み-
- Study of Wide Sized Textile Fabrics in Dress Making for Oshima Pongee
- A Physical Analysis of Women College Students Local and National Comparison of Somatometry Values
- A Study of the Effects of the Design and Color of Hospital Gowns on Patients in Rehabilitation
- The Study of the Effect of Heating on Elderly People (III) -The Comfortability of Kotatsu Chair-