研究キーワード (23件):
, 比較思想
, 仏教
, 実存主義
, 生の哲学
, 意味論
, 現象学
, システム論
, 政治哲学
, ポストモダン論
, 大衆社会論
, 現代社会論
, comparative philosophy
, buddhism
, existencialism
, philosophy of life
, phenomenology
, theory of meaning
, theory of system
, political philosophy
, postmodernism
, theory of mass society
, theory of contemporary society
1987 - A Study of Man and Political Society in the Postmodern Age -Theories of Evolution of Personality System and Social System in the Postmodern Mass Society-
1987 - A Study of Man and Political Society in the Philosophy of J. Ortega y Gasset
1980 - 西欧と日本における近代化・民主化に関する研究
1980 - A Study on the Modernization and Democratization of Europe and Japan
Evolution of Historical Reason on the Thought of J. Ortega y Gasset -Vital Reason and Historical Reason-. Journal of Kinki Welfare University. 2007. 8. 2. 159-174
A Study of the "Past" in the Thought of J. Ortega y Gasset - Interaction of the Pastness and Futurity -. Journal of Kinki Welfare University. 2006. 7. 1. 37-48
Ortega's Perspectivism - Toward the Integration of Rationalism and Relativism -. Journal of Kinki Welfare University. 2005. 6. 2. 57-72
Lecture on "Future of Mass Society" written by K. Hasegawa at the lesson of the Political History of Modern Japan in the Master Course of the Social Education of Hyogo University of Teacher Education
1999 -
1990 -
Lecture on "Spiritualism on Politics and Management" to members of Youth Chamber of Commerce and Industry at Himeji City
1990 -
, 政治経済史学会
, 日本政治学会
, The Japanese Conference for the Study of Political Thought
, Association of Political and Economical History
, Japanese Political Science Association