Mechanisms of T-DNA transfer and integration into plant chromosomes : role of ┣DBvirB(/)-┫DB, ┣DBvirD4(/)-┫DB and ┣DBvirE2(/)-┫DB and a short interspersed repetitive element (SINE) from tobacco
Molecular mechanisms of bacterial virulence 1994
Microsatellite sequences in grapevine for mapping and fingerprinting
Techniques of gene diagnosis and breeding in fruit trees 1993
Polymorphism of ribosomal RNA genes in ┣DBVitis(/)-┫DB and ┣DBMalus(/)-┫DB
Techniques of gene diagnosis and breeding in fruit trees 1993
Mechanism of T-DNA transfer from ┣DBAgrobacterium(/)-┫DB to plant cells
Interactions between plants & microorganisms 1989
Works (4件):
Molecular phylogeny of Rosaceae
1995 - 1998
1995 -
1992 -
The mechanism of self-incompatibility in Rosaceae
1992 -