Reconstruction of multidimensional boundary condition distribution in elasticity problems using FEM-based filtering technique. Transactions of the Japan Society for Computational Methods in Engineering. 2003. 3. 33-38
Evaluation of heat conducting properties of curved-CNT composites by the hybrid BNM. Transactions of the Japan Society for Computational Methods in Engineering. 2003. 3. 45-48
Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics IV
Elsevier 2003
Software and algorithms for inverse thermoelasticity problems
Proceedings of the 11th Annual ACME Conference, ed. M.A. Wheel, Association of Computational Methods in Engineering 2003
An inverse problem of coupled thermoelasticity in reconstructing heat fluxes and thermal stresses
Proceedings of the 11th Annual ACME Conference, ed. M.A. Wheel, Association of Computational Methods in Engineering 2003
Parameters identification of an elastic plate subjected to dynamic loading by inverse analysis using BEM and Kalman filter
Recent Developmennt in Theories and Numerics, ed. by Yiu-Chung Hon, Masahiro Yamamoto, Jin Cheng and June-Yub Lee, World Scientific, New Jersey-Hong Kong 2003
A simple technique for efficient evaluations of boundary integrals of time-harmonic elastodynamic BEM analyses for anisotropic solids
Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003, ed. by K.J. Bathe, Elsevier 2003
2003 - Honor plaque of the Slovak Academy of Sciences named by Aurel Stodola
2003 - (社)日本機械学会計算力学部門・優秀講演賞
2003 - (社)日本機械学会計算力学部門・功績賞
2003 - Honor plaque of the Slovak Academy of Sciences named by Aurel Stodola
1997 - (社)日本機械学会創立100周年記念表彰
1996 - (社)日本機械学会計算力学部門・業績賞
所属学会 (13件):
, 日本航空宇宙学会
, 日本計算工学会
, 日本材料学会
, 日本機械学会
, 国際境界要素法学会
, 米国機械学会
, 日本計算数理工学会
, 日本応用数理学会
, 日本シミュレーション学会
, 非破壊検査協会
, Internal association of Boundary Element Methods
, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers