"Contagion of Banking and Currency Crises". Financial Crisis in the Global Bubble Economy, Akinori Tomohara and Molley Sherlock (eds.), NOVA Science Publishers. 2011
Gregory F. Udell. "Lending Channels and Financial Shocks: The Case of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Trade Credit and the Japanese Banking Crises". Monetary and Economic Studies. 2007. 1-44
Kumi Suzuki-Loeffelholz, Yasuhiro Arikawa. "A Prelimirary Experiment on the Role of a Large Speculator in Currency Crises". Waseda University 21 COE-GLOPE Working Paper. 2005. 3
"Contagion of Currency Crises across Unrelated Coutries". Bank of Japan IMES Doscussion Paper. 2004. 2004-E-22(日本銀行金融研究所)
"A Large Speculator in Contagious Currency Crises". Bank of Japan IMES Doscussion Paper. 2004. 2004-E-23(日本銀行金融研究所)
講演・口頭発表等 (12件):
Impact of Subprime Crisis on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprize Finance: The Case of Japan
(2011 American Economic Association Annual Meeting (単独) 2011)
Impact of Subprime Crisis on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprize Finance: The Case of Japan
(2009 Far East and South Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society (単独) 2009)
Impact of Subprime Crisis on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprize Finance: The Case of Japan
(2009 International Conference on Trade, Industrial and Regional Economics (単独) 2009)
Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Import Prices across Different Environments
(日本経済学会春季大会 (単独) 2006)
Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Import Prices across Different Environments
(統計研究会コンファレンス (単独) 2006)