坂口 みゆき, 根岸 裕子, 塩田 二三子. 非常勤講師が教育活動において困難さを感じる要因について : 協働のあり方についての基礎的検討-What Have Made Part-Time Lectures Feel Difficult to Conduct Their Educational Activities? : A foundational examination towards cooperation. 京都華頂大学・華頂短期大学教育開発センター研究報告書 / 京都華頂大学・華頂短期大学教育開発センター 編. 2023. 11. 29-36
Akira Takamata, Yuri Nishimura, Ayano Oka, Mayuna Nagata, Natsumi Kosugi, Sayaka Eguchi, Hiroko Negishi, Keiko Morimoto. Endogenous Androgens Diminish Food Intake and Activation of Orexin A Neurons in Response to Reduced Glucose Availability in Male Rats. Nutrients. 2022. 14. 6. 1235-1235
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Yuri Nishimura, Kaori Mabuchi, Natsumi Omura, Ayako Igarashi, Megumi Miura, Nanako Mima, Hiroko Negishi, Keiko Morimoto, Akira Takamata. Fluoxetine Mimics the Anorectic Action of Estrogen and Its Regulation of Circadian Feeding in Ovariectomized Female Rats. Nutrients. 2020. 12. 3. 849
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