Prognosis of Cases with Hepactic Metastasis of Gastric Cancer
1st international gastric cancer congress MONDUZZI EDITORE 1995
A Review of Cases Treated by Local Hyperthermia (HYPERTHERMIC ONCOLOGY IN JAPAN '91)
新協産業株式会社 1989
Works (31件):
第70回日本胃癌学会総会 リンパ節転移よりみた噴門側胃切除の適応
1998 -
1998 -
t<sub>2</sub>胃癌における脈管侵襲の検討 第51回日本消化器外科学会総会
1998 -
Indication of proximal gastectomy due to lymphode metastasis
1998 -
The effects and problems of arterial infusion chemotherapy for colorectal cancer metastasis of the liver 17th International Society of University Colon and Rectal Surgeouns
1998 -